About Us

Hi everyone! I’m Gia, the owner & founder of GIAGOLD JEWELRY! I created GIAGOLD because I have always liked gold jewelry and I wanted to create pieces and designs of my own. I have 3 nieces and I love creating fun jewels for them, so they are a big reason for this business. I have been wanting to start a business for a while and one day Jesus put this on my heart and I started the process of GIAGOLD JEWELRY. I want GIAGOLD JEWELRY to be something that everyone enjoys and brightens up their day. Our theme at GIAGOLD is warmth, golden hour, and beautiful sunny days. Yellow is our main color and I chose this because it is one of my favorite colors and it's the color of joy. My middle name is Summer and I really want GIAGOLD JEWELRY to bring the summer feel and sunshine to everyone. A bible verse that really speaks to me is 1 Corinthians 10:31 - So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. I want to honor Jesus in everything I do and I will make sure that GIAGOLD Jewelry does just that. If anyone is currently struggling, I want you to know that Jesus loves you, Jesus will calm your storm, and there are brighter days ahead.