Custom sparkles! ⭐️ So fun for party favors, team colors, school events, etc! — please be specific with the colors you want, so we can send you exactly what you have in mind! You can message us on Instagram @shopgiagold to chat about it!
• After you place your order, email me with your order number and when you need it by!
If you need your custom hair glitter by a certain date, I recommend placing your order about 2 weeks in advance! (Anything that is custom will take longer to process.) — for clarification our custom hair glitter option is priced at $6.50 for each pot since it’s customized!
Elevate your hair game! Our hair glitter is the perfect hair product to add some sparkle everyday. ✨
Washes out very easily and does not flake! Our hair glitter is made in house with the cleanest and natural ingredients. Water based, alcohol-free, synthetic free, paraben free, soy free, and hypoallergenic.
⭐️ Pro-tip: spray hairspray after hair glitter application for long wear!